Wednesday, April 12, 2017

Top 5 Wednesday: Books That Would Make Good Video Games

Top 5 Wednesday is a weekly meme created by Lainey @GingerReadsLainey on YouTube and hosted by Sam @ThoughtsOnTomes. Every Wednesday there is a new topic, and you list your top 5 related to the particular topic. This weeks topic is books that would make good video games. For more information on top 5 Wednesday and the Goodreads group click HERE.

I’m not much of a gamer myself because I’m pretty bad at it, but I always love watching someone (whom is much better than me) play the games. I will watch it for the story. I just love stories no matter what kind of medium is used.     

This list is in no particular orderI really like this topic. 

I think that the initiation could be a good Idea for a game, and then a part in survival in a faction. Or you could make a game like SimCity out of this and make the city grow and become bigger and discover the outside land slowly. That sounds like fun to me.  

The Hobbit or The Lord of The Rings
I know there is already a game of The Lord of The Rings so this is actually cheating, but I still thought I should put this one on this list. This world is so big and magical. It’s perfect for a massively multiplayer online role-playing game video game.

I’m Cheating again. I haven’t even finished this book but I already like this world (I’m like 100 pages in to this book). There is this mystery what exactly happened 10 years ago when the Elantrians lost power and their magic failed. This would be so good for a video game. Slowly adding links to this big story, aaaw I already see it in my head, so good!

This world is so cool to see in a video game. It would be cool to play with a cyborg or a Wolf soldier. The space travel would also be a nice part in any video game!

The Hunger Games
The Hunger Games could be a good adventure game. More like the Tomb Raider games. You playing one of the tributes and doing tasks, finding hidden objects, survival and fighting. You have to admit that sounds interesting, or not? 

What books would you like to see made into video games?


  1. With Divergent - if it were like SimCity that would be so cool!

    Brianna at Listful Booking

    1. Yes, I thought so to, I haven't played a lot of SimCity, but a Divergent version would be cool. It might also work for the Hunger games, but I'm not sure. :P
