Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Top 5 Wednesday: Characters You WOULDN'T Want to Trade Places With

Top 5 Wednesday is a weekly meme created by Lainey @ GingerReadsLainey on YouTube and hosted by Sam @ ThoughtsOnTomes. Every Wednesday there is a new topic, and you list your top 5 related to the particular topic. This week topic is Characters you wouldn't want to trade places with. For more information on top 5 Wednesday and the Goodreads group click HERE.

Easy answer: every dystopian character probably :P
But if you want a list:

1. Katniss Everdeen from The Hunger Games by Suzan Collins
I don’t think I need to explain this one. Everyone knows what a difficult life she has. I wouldn’t survive one day in the arena. I would run before I get to the arena and get probably killed for running away :P

2. Anyone from The A Song of Ice and Fire series by George R.R. Martin
This is a fantastic series but also a gruesome one. I wouldn’t want to trade places with any one of them. This series got murder, rape, torture and a lot of back-stabbing. I’m sure I won’t survive long in this world and if I did it would be a terrible life. So, no thank you.

3. Hazel Grace Lancaster from The Fault in Our Stars by John Green
I think it is obvious that I don’t want to have cancer at sixteen, but how does.  You don’t get a chose in this life and Hazel certainly didn’t get to choose her life. Her story is very sad and you know, no matter what happens she will die before her time. I wouldn’t want her story to be mine.

4. Beatrice Prior from Divergent by Veronica Roth
Again with the easy answer, a dystopian. I don’t want to live in a world like that. She doesn’t have it easy and is in constant danger. Also because of the ending of this series!!

5. Jeth Seagrave from Avalon by Mindee Arnett
Jeth gets beaten a lot in this book. He also doesn’t have a great past. Last his parents at a young age, had to take care of himself and his sister from a young age because his uncle was drunk most of the time, ect. He doesn’t have it easy and I wouldn’t want to take his place.   

Which character wouldn't you want to trade places with? 


  1. Living in Westeros would be awful, but especially as a woman >.<

  2. I completely agree with all of your choices! I can't believe I forgot about Hazel! I usually go for the people in the fantasy genre. Katniss had it so hard. I would not have been able to survive like she did. Living in the world of A Song of Ice and Fire would be so awful! I chose Arya and Sansa Stark specifically cause they have had it extra rough (from where I'm at in the series). Check out my list?

    1. Your list is good as well! I thought of Thomas from The Maze Runner too but changed my mind on the last minute. I changed it to Jeth from Avalon, because this book is lesser known (and more people should get to know it :P).

    2. I haven't heard of Avalon before but I read the blurb and it sounds very interesting!

    3. It is a great book, but it takes a while for the story to get interesting. So my advise, don´t give up to early. :)

    4. Okay thanks for the recommendation.
